Andre Seah: #TRainforPassion

Few of us can truly say we live out our passions. Andre Seah is one of those lucky and determined enough to make it happen.

Better known in TR as Coach Dre, he has trained hard in Muay Thai for more than half his life, and has no plans of stopping anytime soon.

“I have trained Muay Thai for more than half my life, it has grown on me and became part of my identity. It led me to find my purpose in life.”

His fiery passion makes him truly unstoppable even in the face of what seem to be insurmountable challenges. In one of his fights, Andre faced the worst fear in his life. He broke his arm and things seemed uncertain as to whether he could fight again. Yet Andre did not give up. He chose to get back on his feet. Staying strong and positive amidst the trial, Andre went through the recovery and rehabilitation programme in order to regain his strength and perhaps someday step back into the ring again.

“It was one of the saddest times of my fighting career, I thought I would not be able to fight or be a Coach again.”

After a period of 2 weeks for recovery, Andre returned tothe gym. He couldn’t yet train with his injured arm, but he wanted to regain his strength and stamina by doing body weight training. In one day, Andre could do 2000 burpees with just one arm.

Eventually, his condition improved, and with his physiotherapist’s permission, Andre began training his injured arm by punching a bag in rehab. Over time, he was able to return to the ring and get back into coaching for Muay Thai.


Coach Dre loves the training process and can’t imagine life without it. His passion is truly admirable and explains how he has continued to achieve greater heights! Let’s get ignited by his flaming passion for Muay Thai as well in TR, and similarly remind ourselves to never give up!

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