Andre Seah: #TRainforPassion

Few of us can truly say we live out our passions. Andre Seah is one of those lucky and determined enough to make it happen.

Better known in TR as Coach Dre, he has trained hard in Muay Thai for more than half his life, and has no plans of stopping anytime soon.

“I have trained Muay Thai for more than half my life, it has grown on me and became part of my identity. It led me to find my purpose in life.”

His fiery passion makes him truly unstoppable even in the face of what seem to be insurmountable challenges. In one of his fights, Andre faced the worst fear in his life. He broke his arm and things seemed uncertain as to whether he could fight again. Yet Andre did not give up. He chose to get back on his feet. Staying strong and positive amidst the trial, Andre went through the recovery and rehabilitation programme in order to regain his strength and perhaps someday step back into the ring again.

“It was one of the saddest times of my fighting career, I thought I would not be able to fight or be a Coach again.”

After a period of 2 weeks for recovery, Andre returned tothe gym. He couldn’t yet train with his injured arm, but he wanted to regain his strength and stamina by doing body weight training. In one day, Andre could do 2000 burpees with just one arm.

Eventually, his condition improved, and with his physiotherapist’s permission, Andre began training his injured arm by punching a bag in rehab. Over time, he was able to return to the ring and get back into coaching for Muay Thai.


Coach Dre loves the training process and can’t imagine life without it. His passion is truly admirable and explains how he has continued to achieve greater heights! Let’s get ignited by his flaming passion for Muay Thai as well in TR, and similarly remind ourselves to never give up!

Jessica Brun: #TRainforEmpowerment

Meet Jessica, a resilient beginner here at TR who trains for empowerment.

To some, boxing may seem like an intimidating sport. But this was exactly what attracted Jessica Brun. As someone who loves taking on new challenges and exploring new environments, Jessica saw boxing as a new territory to conquer. As it turns out, boxing has been one of the most rewarding journeys Jessica has embarked on.

“It’s so rewarding, and you learn so much by pushing your boundaries and exploring new territories.”

In boxing, Jessica has found an opportunity to push her boundaries not just physically, but mentally. As a sport that requires 100% of what you’ve got, boxing challenges you to grow and give a little more each time you step into class. Jessica has personally witnessed herself growing more gritty as she pushes herself to do better in each class. The empowering satisfaction of feeling her body getting stronger and not giving up when things get hard are immeasurable. Beyond boxing, Jessica now sees herself transformed into a more tenacious and resilient character in her everyday life!

“I love feeling my body getting stronger, knowing that I’ll push myself to do better each class, not giving up when it’s hard – I feel more powerful. I used to give up easily, not anymore.”

The like-minded community of fellow boxers sweetens the journey even more. Jessica loves how everyone is there to enjoy themselves and work hard while empowering one another. The coaches are also really diverse, patient and always there to help – as we like to say in TR, we are Always In Your Corner!

Hamzah Farouk: #TRainforPeaceofMind

Introducing our outstanding Coach and Fighter, Hamzah Farouk, who trains for peace of mind.

From the moment he wakes up to the time his head hits his pillow at night, every waking hour of every day, there’s a part of him that’s in training. The amount of dedication and love Hamzah has for boxing is immeasurable!

The sheer bliss and excitement he gets each time he jumps rope, shadow boxes, punches bags or steps into the ring is irreplaceable. It has helped him time and time again in overcoming his anxiety in a calm and relaxed manner. Like Hamzah, we have all struggled with overwhelming thoughts about things that are just beyond our control. But here at The Ring, we believe vulnerability is a strength. The moment you are open and honest with yourself is the moment you can start breaking out of this spiral. Hamzah turned his passion into something meaningful, he decided to train for peace of mind for he is the happiest and most stress-free when he’s doing what he loves!

“Growing up, I tried so many things but none felt as right as boxing did. I was timid, insecure and very shy. But when I get in the ring, I transform.”

For Hamzah, boxing changed his life. It built his confidence, self-esteem, and taught him to have hope and faith in himself. Boxing gave him discipline and direction in life and each time he would step into the ring, he would transform into the best version of himself.

“It gave me hope & faith. Without it, I wouldn’t be the same Hamzah you know me as today.”

Just as Hamzah is proud to be a fighter in The Ring Boxing Community, we are immensely proud to have such an amazing individual with an unbreakable spirit represent us. Thank you for training hard everyday to become a better fighter for yourself, your loved ones, and the team at The Ring Boxing Community. Hamzah is an inspiration to all of us and we speak on behalf of everyone when we say it has been an honour to support and continue supporting him through his professional boxing career!




Kylie Tan: #TRainforabetteryou

Meet Kylie, a member who trains to be a better version of herself

Though originally drawn to boxing, she fell in love with Muay Thai as she realised it had taught her values that went beyond just the fitness perspective.

“Muay Thai helped me to be a better version of myself as it trains both the mind and body, bringing forth your best form

Kylie took up the sport to bring her fitness journey to new heights and to achieve the best version of herself. More than that though, Muay Thai was a lifestyle choice for her as it trained her resilience, willpower, and mindset. As she pushed her limits, she felt herself getting stronger not just physically but mentally as well, and that’s when she knew Muay Thai brought out the best in her!

“I started to feel more confident. I wouldn’t have had the mindset that I have right now when I started 7 years ago”

Kylie too, started her journey at the very beginning. We all know that it’s never an easy feat to start from square one but as she pushed forward day by day without giving up, she continued training both her mind and body and it helped shape her into the strong and courageous woman we see her as today.

“Muay Thai allows me to achieve the best version of myself

Just as Kylie kept training to progress towards a better self, remember that the best version of yourself is a work in progress! The journey towards self-improvement is never finished, but you are always evolving to be better than you were before and that’s a win for sure! Remember that maintaining a positive mindset, feeling empowered by your own self-efficacy, and acknowledging success where it happens no matter how big or small, are all key factors in achieving the best version of yourself. It’s not an easy journey but the moment you know the reason behind what you #TRainfor like Kylie, you’ve already won half the battle.

So ask yourself what’s the reason? What do you #TRainfor? The moment you decide, The Ring Boxing Community will be there to embark on the journey with you.

The Ring Celebrates The Champion Within Our Ordinary Selves #TRainfor


The Ring’s newest #TRainfor campaign highlights the meaning behind each individual’s fighting spirit. And, over the next three months, we’ll delve deeper into the stories of our community, sharing the reasons behind why they train and what keeps them going every day.

The past couple of years have highlighted more than ever that we as humans are strong and resilient. We will still continue to push ourselves forward both individually and as a collective, during tough times. 

This attitude of persistence and perseverance has inspired all of us at The Ring, day in and day out. We want to celebrate our community and the positive fighting spirit that resides in all of us. It is this life ethos which is behind our #TRainfor campaign.

The Seven:

Our #TRainfor for campaign is a celebration of all the Members, Coaches and Fighters that are a part of The Ring Community. Each of the 7 dedicated representatives represent a different role in the community – whether that be Coaches, Members,Fighters, Beginners, Advanced, Malay, Eurasian, Chinese or Indian.

Here at The Ring we champion diversity and no matter your background, no matter your experience, you’ll always find someone at The Ring who represents you.

Over the next few months, you’ll get to meet our Coaches: Dre, the Head Coach of Muay Thai Coach and Jared, our Boxing Coach. Our fighters: Kirstie and Hamzah our Boxing Champions. Last but not least, our diverse members: Jessica, Kylie and Sush.

When we asked each of them what they #TRain for, they all had a positive message to say, and we couldn’t be prouder or more inspired by our community. 

More Than Just Boxing & Muay Thai:

What’s the difference between The Ring and other boxing gyms we hear you ask? At The Ring, whilst we care about Boxing, Muay Thai, fitness and techniques, above all, we prioritise our community. We prioritise the moments where we spend time with each other. 

 It is the people of The Ring who inspired us to create this campaign. Each and every one of them all has different reasons as to why they train. It all stems from wanting to be a better person in some way. We all focus on self-improvement rather than just fighting in general and there’s something deeper, we are all seeking something which feeds our soul. It is Boxing and Muay Thai which have changed and improved all our lives and we’re sure you will agree.

A healthy body is a healthy mind:

In every training session we push ourselves to the limit, see how far we can go and challenge our bodies and our minds to achieve something we may have not thought possible. Whilst on the outside, a boxing match might seem centered around whether you win or lose, no matter the outcome, we celebrate ourselves, we celebrate each other. 

Life will show you some loss or some win, which will help to become a better version of yourself again, and again. Making errors and making mistakes will force you to learn to pick yourself back again. At the Ring, training starts with physical fitness, but soon or later, it benefits your mental health.

Everyone is a champion in their own way: 

Today is tougher than yesterday and tomorrow will be worse. The Ring is helping you to create habits to motivate you to come to the gym. How ? Watch out for our community! We respect and admire each other for their passion, love or their desire to train. The Ring is just a place where each member shares the same training, passion or stories to be a better version of themselves in these difficult times. 

 We have 7 dedicated people who are just a sample to our amazing community. Have a look, be curious, or just show your support to those amazing people sharing their stories which can ultimately be your own story. 

Ask yourself why? What’s your reason

What makes you step up and enter the Ring? What do YOU #TRainfor?

Manny Pacquiao: A Rags To Riches Story

“I believe that I was born for a purpose and destined to serve as an inspiration for the average Filipino and the rest of the world.”

Manny Pacquiao’s story is a real life rags to riches story which has inspired many people around the world. He began life in extreme poverty in the Philippines and is now one of the world’s most famous boxers.

Read on to find out how his childhood and tough upbringing set him on the path to boxing greatness:

A born fighter

Manny’s childhood was a difficult one. He grew up in General Santos province in the southern Philippines. He lived in a small shack, with one single-room which housed his mum, dad, older sister and two younger brothers.

His father sold coconuts to make enough money to feed the family and his mum sold peanuts to make a little extra money.  But often the family, “only [had] bananas and root crops to eat.”

As a young boy, he was bullied by others because his family was poor. And, one day, when his younger brother Bobby was being teased, Manny was there to defend him with a single left jab. It was this moment, which spurred him to start boxing – he knew he could use his boxing skills both as a way to survive the streets but also as a means to feed his family.

A year later in 1990, Manny watched James Douglas defeat Mike Tyson and this “changed his life forever.” Writing in his autobiography, that it was at that moment that “I knew without a doubt I would become a fighter…I knew that the underdog can, and often does, win.”

Journey to greatness

At the age of 12, Manny dropped out of school, moving to General Santos City to focus on his boxing. He had heard, “that when you fight, even when you lose,  you have money.” This meant that he could buy  enough food to feed his family, even if it was just rice.

By the age of 15, Manny had already made a name for himself in the southern Philippines. He dreamed of gaining more experience and of fighting professionally and stowed away on a boat to Manila.

In Manila, he trained as a boxer whilst also working as a labourer. Meija was Manny’s first boxing trainer and after training with him for six months, he saw all the self-discipline he had and all the hard work he put in and said to himself, “This boy is going to be a world champion.”

This drive to support his family pushed Manny to practice his skills all the time and, at the age of 16, he turned professional, starting his journey to boxing greatness.

Manny Pacquiao today

Pacquiao has won 12 major world titles and is the first boxer to win world titles in eight weight divisions as well as to win the lineal championship in five different weight divisions.

Today, Pacquiao is a hero in the Philippines who continues to help those who are poor and homeless in his home country. He has provided support to help build 1,000 homes for those in poverty and whenever he wins a fight, he provides thousands of people with food who line up for it.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, he also has teamed up with a billionaire to help provide the Philippines with about 50,000 test kits.

His journey to greatness continues, and as Pacquiao says, “I love this sport and until the passion is gone, I will continue to fight for God, my family, my fans and my country.”

How To Start Boxing At Home

home workout

Looking for a way to keep fighting fit and healthy whilst at home?

At The Ring, we believe that boxing is a great way to manage any stress or anxiety you might be feeling. This release of tension is what makes boxing the perfect workout during these uncertain times. And, with many of us unable to visit indoor gym locations since the start of the pandemic, boxing is the perfect sport to start at home.

Boxing is a sport which can be performed almost anywhere, be it working on your technique through shadowboxing or purchasing basic equipment such as boxing gloves and a bag to create a mini home gym for yourself.

Anyone can begin to learn boxing with a few simple tools and there’s so many incredible resources out there for you to learn how to master boxing at home.
Read on to find out how you can start boxing from the comfort of your own home:

No Equipment Needed
The beauty of boxing is that anyone can do a beginners boxing workout from home using just your bodyweight, no bags or gloves required.

You can learn the fundamentals of the sport by working on basic punches, combos and drills all whilst getting in a cardio and strength workout – which is beneficial for both your mind and body.

Training and practising boxing techniques without equipment or an opponent is known as shadow boxing. All you need is some space to move around, and, if you want, a mirror to keep an eye on your form.

Keep your practice up and you’ll be ready to return to our indoor classes as soon as we reopen.

If you’re just starting out on your boxing journey – we’ll show you  how to learn the different styles of punches, footwork and techniques you need.

Practising correct boxing form ensures you’re getting the most of your workout and engaging your entire body when throwing the punches.

You can learn tips and techniques from The Ring’s Professional Coaches right from your living room. From your stance and guard techniques to footwork and coordination, our tutorial videos will help you to learn the basic moves and even some advanced techniques to help you get started on your boxing journey at home.

Looking for some real time motivation? Join us for TR @ HOME for LIVE online boxing classes via Zoom helping you to perfect your form and technique while helping to keep you in shape:

    • Rumble @ Home
      • Technical, motivational and fun, our Boxing HIIT Classes are specially curated for all levels.
    • Sweet Science @ Home
      • Focuses on the technicalities, this class dives deeper into the noble art and sweet science of the sport.

Also, keep an eye on our IG page for some exciting home workouts to ensure you don’t miss out on your daily workout fix.

Track your progress
Whilst boxing from home, it’s a great idea to track your progress. It can keep you motivated and help you to see that you’re improving your skills over time.

Decide what you want to track, whether that’s your heart rate, calories, or maybe achieving one more push up per week. Use a wearable device such as an Apple Watch or a FitBit and see the needle move over time.

We understand that you might be feeling worried or anxious during these times, and that’s why there’s never been a better time to ‘glove up’ and start boxing…from home! Know that these times are making you stronger and unleash the fighter within by training boxing at home. We’re in this together.

If you have any questions about how to start your boxing journey from home, email us at We would love to hear from you.

Juggling Parenthood & Fitness: How Fitness Changed My Life

We all know exercise is important for both our physical and mental health. However, sometimes as mothers, making the time for exercise may no longer be a priority. 

So, this Mother’s Day we’ve spoken to three inspirational mothers who workout at The Ring to discuss how exercise can provide benefits to all mothers throughout their daily lives as well as help you to be a positive role model for your kids.

1. Feel happier, healthier, stronger

Fitness for mothers is about more than losing the baby weight. Working out can help to reduce stress, improve sleep and give you some time to yourself, away from the busy schedule of looking  after your kids.

“It makes me happier, healthier and stronger.” – Keenan, mother and member at The Ring. 

Motherhood can be stressful at times but by exercising regularly your serotonin levels will increase and you will release endorphins (the happy hormones) – helping you to release any tension which might have built up as a result of the weight of motherhood on your shoulders. 

As mother’s there will be times when you’re short on sleep. Exercise can help to improve your sleep quality as well as increase your energy levels so that you’re ready to take on whatever the day throws at you.

Keenan loves to exercise at The Ring because, “when you exercise you look fantastic, you look pretty, you look more confident.”

2. You'll have more energy carrying out chores

Being physically fit will translate into your household chores and help you to look after your kids better. You will feel more energised as a result of working out and more focused both inside and outside the home.

Ring member Natasha says, “the sparring sessions help me to cognate and focus better which is good for the mind. After each class I have more endorphins. It also gives you a sense of accomplishment and gets you ready for the day.”

If you feel like you don’t have enough time to head to the gym, squeeze in a  20 minute workout at home. Farah reminds us that, “you can workout anywhere. You don’t have to go to a gym. At home there’s a lot of bodyweight exercises that you can do. You just need a yoga mat and yourself.”

3. be a positive role model for kids

Kids watch our every move and want to emulate whatever we are doing. Farah says, “if we workout and show our kids that we are living a healthy lifestyle then that is a good example for them.” Exercise is something you can do with your kids as well. Make it a fun activity  for the whole family and create positive habits which will stay with them throughout their lives.

Natasha, says, “my son works out with me. In fact, he’s part of my workout, he’ll be on my back! It’s a good example for the kids because it portrays that exercising is a very healthy habit  to have. Your kid will see this and incorporate it into their own lifestyle in the future.”

Keenan also encourages her son to exercise to help him have a more positive attitude towards life and so that he has a positive activity to take part in when he grows up.

With so much on a mother’s plate, it can be difficult to make yourself a priority but it’s important for mothers to still make time for themselves.  Fitness is the perfect way to do this and the benefits go way beyond just the physical, it even helps you to be an incredible role model for your kids too.

5 Helpful Tips To Lose Weight

There is so much information out there about diets promising to help us to lose weight fast. Most of us will have attempted a detox or a crash diet but these diets are unsustainable and unenjoyable.

At The Ring, our ethos is to workout and fuel our bodies the right way, making our exercise routine and diet part of our lifestyle – losing weight in a healthy and sustainable way. 

The benefits of exercise go beyond burning calories and losing weight, ultimately you will improve your mindset – an immediate benefit. Giving you the energy and motivation you need on your weight loss journey.

Read on for our 5 helpful tips to lose weight.

1. Food and Nutrition: Counting calories and macros

Balanced diet concept

To get the most out of your training sessions and to avoid cravings, you’ll need to eat a combination of macros: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates and enough calories – this will provide you with the energy you need to get the results you’re after.

Develop a consistent and manageable diet plan and count your macros and calories with a food-tracking app like MyFitnessPal.
This way you can keep track of what you’re consuming and what you might need to change to reach your goals.

At The Ring, we love to meal prep – taking a few hours at the weekend to prep our meals for the week. This saves us time in the week and makes it easier to stay on track when things get busy with work and life.

2. 15 Minute Workouts everyday

home workout

If you’re new to working out or can’t quite find the time in your day, start small by scheduling 15 minute workouts everyday. Anything is better than nothing and it’s important to move everyday.

From there you can begin to build up the lengths of your workouts and make it a part of your routine. As you start to lose weight and have more energy, you’ll be more motivated and energised to workout for longer.

Develop a consistent and manageable diet plan and count your macros and calories with a food-tracking app like MyFitnessPal.
This way you can keep track of what you’re consuming and what you might need to change to reach your goals.

At The Ring, we love to meal prep – taking a few hours at the weekend to prep our meals for the week. This saves us time in the week and makes it easier to stay on track when things get busy with work and life.

3. Fitness is a lifestyle, routine is important

Daily routine of a young athlete.

Be patient, and set small, realistic goals. To lose weight in a healthy way takes time – you don’t want to shock the body to go into ‘starvation’ mode as the body’s response will be to slow down your metabolism and store more fat.

Lasting weight loss is a lifestyle choice that promotes your overall well being. Be consistent, find a workout you enjoy and keep track of what you eat but remember to enjoy the journey and you’ll see long lasting results both physically and mentally.

From there you can begin to build up the lengths of your workouts and make it a part of your routine. As you start to lose weight and have more energy, you’ll be more motivated and energised to workout for longer.

Develop a consistent and manageable diet plan and count your macros and calories with a food-tracking app like MyFitnessPal.
This way you can keep track of what you’re consuming and what you might need to change to reach your goals.

At The Ring, we love to meal prep – taking a few hours at the weekend to prep our meals for the week. This saves us time in the week and makes it easier to stay on track when things get busy with work and life.

4. Follow weight loss journeys on social media

Social media can be a great source of inspiration – whether through sharing progress pictures, recipes or workouts, it can be uplifting and provide you with motivation on a daily basis. 

Just be careful who you follow, there are a lot of accounts out there which don’t promote the healthiest practices. Follow people who have a healthy weight loss journey not those with restrictive or crash diets.

Lasting weight loss is a lifestyle choice that promotes your overall well being. Be consistent, find a workout you enjoy and keep track of what you eat but remember to enjoy the journey and you’ll see long lasting results both physically and mentally.

From there you can begin to build up the lengths of your workouts and make it a part of your routine. As you start to lose weight and have more energy, you’ll be more motivated and energised to workout for longer.

Develop a consistent and manageable diet plan and count your macros and calories with a food-tracking app like MyFitnessPal.
This way you can keep track of what you’re consuming and what you might need to change to reach your goals.

At The Ring, we love to meal prep – taking a few hours at the weekend to prep our meals for the week. This saves us time in the week and makes it easier to stay on track when things get busy with work and life.

5. Join a fun fitness community

Join a gym for motivation and inspiration. If you haven’t tried boxing or muay thai, we recommend booking into a session at The Ring for a full body, cardio and strength workout that will help you to burn fat while having fun. Plus, the motivation of the trainers and your fellow classmates makes it our favourite way to exercise.

Set some realistic goals, find a workout you enjoy and learn to make your new ‘diet’ part of your everyday lifestyle. Before you know it, you’ll be feeling more energised and motivated from the process and losing weight in an enjoyable way.

How Boxing Can Improve Your Kids Mental Development

Here at The Ring, we believe Boxing is for everyone, especially for kids! It is undeniable that kids will benefit from boxing physically, but the mental development gained from the sport, both in the short-term and the long-term is immeasurable.

Boxing is a sport which requires both physical and mental strength, helping kids to gain confidence, build discipline and improve their concentration and focus both inside and outside The Ring. Read on to find out how taking up boxing can improve your kids mental development:

  • Mental Health

The World Health Organization recommends an hour of exercise every day for adolescents. The more time kids spend moving when they are younger can even lead to them having better mental health as they grow up. In a 2019 study by Xihe Zhu, an associate professor of human movement science at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va., it was found that children who exercised were less likely to have mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

  • Gain Confidence

Boxing teaches kids to stay motivated and overcome challenges. As their boxing skills improve throughout their training, they will start to develop better self-esteem. Taking part in a sport such as boxing teaches kids that through hard work you can achieve anything. An invaluable skill that they will undoubtedly take with them through life.  Kimberly Lakes, associate professor of psychiatry and neuroscience in the School of Medicine at the University of California Riverside, states that martial arts can also help to build discipline and persistence when working towards goals.

  • Develop Social Skills

Boxing teaches children to work together in a team-oriented environment and promotes healthy social development. At The Ring, we encourage children to work together and teach each other the techniques. Boxing classes require children to work with children of other ages and from different backgrounds. This allows them to grow together on their boxing journey whilst building essential social skills for later life. 

  • Improve Concentration and Focus

Boxing teaches children to calm their mind and develop a sense of purpose as they work towards a goal. Through the repetition of training, children are able to develop sharper minds and this concentration and focus can aid in your kids development and can then be translated into the classroom and even improve the success of their school studies. A study from Janice Ngoc Phung from the California State University San Marcos found that MMA training in particular has been proven to improve working memory and cognitive flexibility in children. 

  • Build Discipline

Ashleigh Johnstone, a PHD researcher in cognitive neuroscience at Bangor University, states that martial arts has been shown to improve ‘classroom conduct’ in children and that they are ‘generally better behaved.’ Boxing classes have a structure and children will learn that consistency is key if they want to improve in their classes. In addition, by working with a trainer, kids will learn to set goals and overcome challenges which strengthens their character. They will also learn to respect the rules of boxing and become more disciplined in a fun and encouraging environment. 

Exercising and being active is important at any age and it is beneficial to create this routine of exercising when children are young – this will improve their overall wellbeing and lead to them having lower levels of anxiety of depression throughout life.

There are a huge range of benefits of your children incorporating boxing into their routines and we welcome kids of all ages to The Ring! They can join us as U14 Holders and boost both their physical and mental development. Get started today – click here.

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