How We Can Draw on Mandela for Inspiration during Challenging Times

The Circuit Breaker has meant a huge shift to our normal training sessions. Without our gyms, fitness studios, and limited time to spend outside, we are now figuring out how to stay healthy and keep fit from the comfort of our home. Trying to get an effective full-body workout in beyond our usual gyms can be tricky, both in terms of a lack of gym equipment we are used to and a decline in motivation when we’re no longer training with coaches, having a familiar atmosphere and faces around us. 

However, without exercise and a routine, our minds might be less able to face the challenging times we are currently confronted with. Exercise is more crucial than ever in helping us to build mental resilience.  

If you already had a fitness routine before the Circuit Breaker, adjusting the transition is not as difficult as you might think. And, if you are looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle during your time at home, there is no better time to begin.

Nelson Mandela: A Boxer

This week, we look to Nelson Mandela for inspiration and motivation. Did you know that during his incarceration on Robben Island he looked towards exercise to help him through the time? 

Mandela had started boxing whilst he was a student at Fort Hare University and he carried on his boxing training and routine, which had previously taken place in a Soweto boxing gym, every week Monday to Thursday whilst still in prison. 

He attempted to follow his boxing routine starting with running on the spot for 45 minutes, 100 Fingertip Push-Ups, 200 Sit-ups and other calisthenic exercises.

In fact, Mandela believed that exercise was fundamental to both his physical and mental health – “exercise dissipates tension, and tension is the enemy of serenity. I found that I worked better and thought more clearly when I was in good physical condition, and so training became one of the inflexible disciplines of my life.”

Building Resilience

The news of the coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent directives from the government have left many of us experiencing negative emotions. As for Mandela, exercise could be the key to helping us face these difficult times. Research has demonstrated that exercise and good nutrition are both directly linked to our emotional well-being.

It provides us with an outlet for the anxiety and worries we are all confronted with at the moment. We must learn to adapt and be resilient during these challenging times. For those of us who are living in a confined space, it is time to get creative with our workouts. If you are limited to a confined space, no-equipment exercise routines are a great place to start.

Staying Motivated  with The Ring @ Home Series

Don’t let a change in your usual routine leave you feeling unmotivated. Use this time to build a new routine. Our advice is to schedule in your home workout session as if it is a work call or appointment. Your new routine will provide you with the mental strength you need to get through this!

And, scheduling your home workout session just got easier with the launch of our The Ring @ Home series. You’ll be reunited (albeit virtually) with your favourite trainers and fellow Ring members as we workout together online via a Zoom class. Find out more here

Finally, remember that nothing lasts forever, this too shall pass! Let’s all take inspiration from Mandela as we go forward into this new month and week.

How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off

If your goal is to lose weight, chances are that you have tried a diet regime before only to eventually put the weight back on, perhaps even faster than it took to lose it. There are numerous fad diets out there all claiming to help you lose weight but aren’t effective in helping you to keep it off!

If you’re looking to shed those unwanted pounds, it is important to remember to be kind to yourself in the process. Work hard at it and be proud of the small accomplishments which you achieve on your journey.

Read below for our tips on how to lose weight AND keep it off:


The word diet in itself has many negative connotations and before you’ve even started the thought of a diet brings up ideas of a short term fix and suffering in the process. In order to actually lose weight and maintain it, you need to make permanent and sustainable changes to the way you eat. 

Everything in moderation! Don’t restrict yourself to a fad diet or make such drastic changes that you are unable to stick to your new way of eating, indulge yourself sometimes with a ‘cheat’ snack or meal, this will help you to keep on track in the long term. 


In order to maintain your weight in the long term, your mindset is crucial. Everyone slips up occasionally and no one is perfect, however the way you face the slip up is key. Face the slip up with a positive attitude and know that you will get back to normal the next day. If you stick at it, over time healthy eating habits will start to become routine.


As part of your diet, make sure to incorporate protein and plant-based fats. These two ingredients, along with fresh fruit and vegetables, will help to keep you feeling fuller for longer. Incorporate protein and plant-based fats in every meal you consume, as much as possible.

By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail. Therefore, it is also helpful to plan your meals in advance and have healthier, lower-calorie foods on hand at all times so that there is less temptation to consume less nutritious food. Keep track of your foods using a food tracking app on your phone and this will help you to stay accountable.


When you’re stressed and tired your body begins to produce more cortisol, a stress hormone that can cause you to crave carbohydrates and to fall off the diet wagon.

Make sleep a priority in your life to help you focus on your diet regime and help you to maintain it. Research has shown that aiming for approximately seven hours sleep a night can help to lower your stress levels, lowering cortisol levels and therefore helping you to maintain your diet.


Finally, make sure you keep active! Losing weight involves working out to burn calories, burn fat and boost your metabolism. However, don’t just stick to cardio! In fact, it is the building of muscle which will help to boost your metabolism in the long term. Swap those hours on the crosstrainer for strength and interval training instead – a full-body cardio and strength workout like boxing is perfect!

How To Keep Up Your Boxing Training Without Equipment

It’s Week 3 of the Circuit Breaker and many of us are itching to get back into the gym and worrying about how to train without our usual gym equipment or coaching advice from our instructors. If you have made it a goal to keep training in order to maintain your fitness and strength, your usual workout regime will need to be adjusted. The good news is that many useful boxing techniques can be adapted from your usual boxing workouts in the gym and transferred to your living room.

Read below for our advice on where to start even if you have no equipment at home during this time.


Whilst you may not have your usual bags, pads or sparring partner, we recommend keeping up that technique by shadowboxing. 

Shadowboxing will challenge your speed and power without the resistance of the bag. Focus on high reps, throw those punches with a variety of different combinations and move around the room to keep your feet nimble and to get your heart rate up. You can even increase the intensity by holding weights in each hand.

Skipping without a skipping rope

A skipping rope is a staple part of many boxing workouts and your training. It is the perfect way to incorporate a cardio workout into your home training, requires very little space, and again helps to loosen up your feet. 

If you don’t have a skipping rope at home or if you don’t have the ceiling height to be able to skip, you can imitate the movements of skipping by moving your hands at the wrist as if you were jumping over a rope. 

Other alternatives, if you don’t have a jump rope, are jumping jacks, mountain climbers or high knees.

Interval Training

Interval training and working with your bodyweight are a great way to raise your heart rate, helping you to maintain your cardio progress. Download an Interval Timer on your phone and schedule three minutes of work followed by one minute of rest.

If you want more of a challenge, you can up the time you’re working for and reduce your rest periods.

Incorporate a variety of bodyweight exercises such as boxer burpees, push-ups, planks and squat jumps to really make you sweat.

Get Creative With Household Equipment

No weights? No problem! You might not have your usual weights and gym equipment but you can still get in a great workout using some of your handy household items. Substitute your usual hand weights by using water bottles or substitute a kettlebell by filling up a duffel bag or by using a full bottle of detergent.

We encourage you to get creative and transform your living room into the best home gym it can be. Check out some common household items that can double up as home workout equipment!

IGTV Home Workout Videos

If you’re missing the social aspect of training and working with your trainers and sparring partners, or just need a bit of extra motivation to get you going, a virtual workout is the answer! Head over to our Instagram page @thering_sg and take part in our IGTV Boxing Home Workout Videos. It’s the next best thing to being in The Ring with your favourite coaches and you’ll learn new tips and techniques along the way!

5 Ways To Stay Productive While Working From Home

As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, the majority of us will be required to work from home. For many of us, we will have to begin to adjust to this new way of working without the discipline which comes from working in an office. 

Being in your personal space and not your professional environment can bring many distractions, from household chores to watching that Netflix series everyone is talking about. 

Here are our 5 tips for staying productive while working from home:

1. Formulate a Morning Routine

Use the first hours of the day wisely! Your usual commute to work is often a valuable way for people to transition from home life to work life. Create your own commute and set some time at the beginning of the day to help you get into work mode.

This time could be used to get in some morning movement, to mediate or have breakfast. Wake your body up and wake your mind up by having a routine before you sit at your desk and start work.

2. Get Dressed

Although it is tempting to stay in your pyjamas for the whole day, make a concerted effort to change into normal clothes. Wear something which will make you feel more professional and this will help you to get yourself into the mindset that you have a day of work ahead of you.

Getting dressed will help to turn on that productivity switch which we need to get going when working from home.

3. Designated Workspace

One of the keys to being productive at home is to create an environment free from distractions where you can focus on your to-do list.  Do not work on the sofa or in your bed and instead find a comfortable space that you can associate with your job, by doing so you can create a clear boundary between work and home life. 

Make your space a quiet zone where you can concentrate and keep that space free of clutter and distractions. For example, try not to have the TV or music on in the background and consider putting your phone on airplane mode when working on your laptop.

4. Scheduling Your Time

Working from home can be filled with distractions. In the morning, don’t just roll out of bed without a plan, make a schedule the night before. Set the hours you are going to work for the day and build your schedule into these hours. 

Also schedule in your exercise, your morning routine and when you’re going to switch off. Household chores can also quickly eat into your workday and make you less productive so be sure to schedule time for these too so you don’t use up too much of your day.

Having a schedule can keep you focused and motivated but remember to be realistic. Don’t set yourself too many tasks in one day as you don’t want to feel guilty when you want to switch off in the evening. 

5. Avoid Cabin Fever

Now that you are spending the majority of your time in the home, try to also spend time going on a walk or visiting a nearby park – remember to maintain social distancing! Spending some time in nature can help you to relax and clear your mind, in turn making you more productive and creative when you sit back at your desk.

5 Ways To Ease Your Anxiety

During this time of uncertainty, it’s understandable that you might be feeling anxiety in relation to the coronavirus crisis. This uncertainty, coupled with instability and a change or loss of our daily routine can be difficult on our mental health.

To help put your mind at ease, here are our tips on how to manage any heightened emotions which you are experiencing at the moment.


Our daily habits such as going to the gym or catching up with friends is no longer an option for many of us. Some of us have had to cancel special celebrations like weddings and graduations and we are worrying about becoming sick which can cause us to become ill as a result. All this can be stressful and overwhelming. It can be easy for our minds to focus on the negatives. 

In light of this, we can work to control our thoughts and, if you feel panicked, it can be helpful to take a few deep breaths or talk to someone close to you about how you are feeling so that your negative thoughts don’t consume you.


If you are struggling with anxiety, limit your exposure to the news and social media. Try to limit what you watch, read and listen to to just once a day. Whilst it is important to stay up to date on the virus, if you are struggling to cope, take care of your mental health and give yourself a break from your online life for a while.

Instead, take yourself offline by reading a book, taking a walk in nature or spending some time with loved ones whilst still practising social distancing.


When you do turn on the news and read social media updates, try to avoid any speculation and remain focussed on the facts. There can be so much misinformation out there which can add to you feeling overwhelmed.

Rely instead on trusted forms of communication, such as the World Health Organization, and remember to give yourself a break from both the news and social media every once in a while.


Whilst social distancing requires us to stay home to help reduce the spread of the virus, we can still stay connected with friends, family and loved ones online.

Human beings need to feel connected to feel happy. Keep in touch via phone calls or through video messaging and talk about other topics which will help to lift your spirits. Whilst you need support, you can also be a support system to those around you


During this time it is important to try to stick to healthy behaviours like a good diet and sleep. Make sure you also take time for yourself, whether that involves exercise, meditation or having a long bath. And, try to do things consistently and create a regular routine to help you get into a good headspace as this will help you to feel more in control.

And remember that we will all still have the same time in the day. Whilst we can’t control the situation, we can focus on ways to calm ourselves down and find peace of mind. Use this time to your advantage and do things you wouldn’t have done before. By adapting to your new temporary way of life, you can focus on working to benefit your future with the time which may have been restricted to you before.

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5 Ways To Cultivate Healthy Habits

How many of you have given up on your New Year’s Resolutions by now? You’re not alone! In fact, 80% of people gave up their resolutions by the second week of February.

Whilst those resolutions you made in January may now be a distant memory, instead of giving up on your goals completely why not use this month to give them a reboot and reassess what is and isn’t working for you. 

Who said you can only make goals in January?  Below are our five tips on how you can cultivate your healthy habits for the remainder of the year:


Know Your Why! Whether it’s the desire to fine-tune your techniques so that you can fight in the ring or to be healthy so that you can take care of your children – be clear, be focused, identify it and write it down.

It might be simple, but writing your goals down could be the key to cultivating that healthy habit you are striving for. People who write down their intentions are 42% more likely to achieve them. By including timelines you will make yourself much more accountable and can keep referring back to the list at times when you’re feeling less motivated.


Changing your mindset is not an easy task but if you change your thinking to be more optimistic this can propel you to make more positive healthy choices for yourself. Eliminate any excuses you are making and instead create solutions.

For example, if you don’t feel like going to that boxing class. Show up anyway. Going and committing to the task at hand goes a long way. Overtime both your confidence and your mindset will begin to change, helping you to cultivate your healthy habit.


Set a realistic goal, don’t make it so big that you won’t be able to achieve it as this will only put you off from completing it. Small wins are key here and it’s important to be able to weave them into your daily routine. For example, instead of saying you will workout every day this week, why not say you will train two times for 30 minutes for the first week and start to build your training times up from there.


Did you know that it can take up to sixty days for a new habit to stick? Developing a morning and evening routine could be paramount to you accomplishing your goals.

It’s well known that the most successful people get started with their day before the rest of the world has even had breakfast!. Again, take it in small, achievable steps – set your alarm clock 15 minutes earlier than normal for the first week and continue to do so until you’re waking up in time for that early morning workout session you’ve always wanted to go to.


Whether that means bringing a friend on the journey with you, using an app on your phone to track your progress, or joining a boxing gym, find a way to keep yourself accountable. Holding yourself accountable means that on days when you are feeling less motivated, you will be more likely to pick yourself up and continue to cultivate your healthy habit.

Why not join The Ring and let us and our community help you on your fitness journey!

Femme Fatale: Why Women Should Box

Come fight stereotypes one punch at a time!

Throughout history, boxing has been viewed as a male dominated sport. However, over recent years this perception has started to change due to the increasing popularity of combat sports and the influence of social media portraying female celebrities and influencers including boxing as part of their fitness regime. Boxing makes you feel strong and powerful, as well as stimulating your mental health, and it is the perfect way for any woman to take the stress out of their day and leave it on the bag or in the ring.

At The Ring, we even have a whole-body knockout sweat session tailored just for women, Femme Fatale. Whether you’re new to boxing or are already experienced, it is the perfect class for ladies who are looking to improve stamina, coordination and strength. The endorphins and powerfulness you feel both during and after one of our Femme Fatale classes is second to none.

We are incredibly proud of the female boxers within our community. The intense physical and mental discipline required in the sport is as therapeutic for women as it is for men. It is an all-encompassing workout for both the mind and body and it is great to see so many women taking up the sport and debunking any prejudice that this is an aggressive sport suitable only for men.

Read on to find out some of the benefits of boxing for women:

Be Stronger

Boxing has a number of amazing physical benefits for women of all ages! This includes cardiovascular exercise, strength building, balance and agility.

Boxing is a full-body workout which can improve your overall fitness as it requires you to use multiple muscle groups in your body such as your arms, core and legs. Whilst on the outside it might look like you’re just using your arms, the power itself is actually driven from your core, hips and legs.

Also, unlike monotonously running on a treadmill each day, a boxing routine will keep you on your toes. You will always be learning new techniques and combinations as well as switching up your sparring partner – each and every training session will always be different, which will help to keep you motivated in achieving your fitness goals.

Be Confident

Many women who box stand by the fact that boxing is the ultimate stress reliever. By hitting the pads or the bag you can release any tension, frustration or anxiety within a safe space and are able to leave your workout feeling more zen. The boost of endorphins gained from your boxing workout also aids in increasing your mood and happiness levels.

In addition, as a woman, the self defence skills learnt during a boxing class can help to build your confidence and leave you feeling empowered inside the ring and as you go about your daily life.

Be Bold

Fight like a girl and help us to continue to fight the stereotype that boxing is a sport restricted only to men. Boxing is the perfect way to keep fit and stay healthy and will leave every woman feeling empowered, confident and strong, as soon as they step out of The Ring.

Are we going to see any of you women in The Ring soon? Book Your Trial Class Now!

Tips to stay healthy during the coronavirus outbreak

As the threat of the coronavirus steadily increases, how can you protect yourself and your loved ones during this period of high alert? Aside from the general measures, such as wearing a surgical mask if you’re not feeling well, washing your hands more frequently and avoid going to crowded places, what else can you do to stay healthy during this season? We’ve compiled a list of tips we believe can be great additions to boost your overall health and immune system to fight the coronavirus!

1) Boost Your Immune System

While the virus, also known as COVID-19, is known to be less deadly than SARs, it is highly contagious and has been said to be transmitted through close contact with infected individuals. The virus is also known to be more deadly and fatal for the elderly and the young – those whose immune systems are susceptible to infections and diseases. As such, you can improve your overall health by taking health supplements that are beneficial for your body. Vitamin C is one of the best boosters for your body, and can be easily added to your diet through tablets, drinks or even fruits! Vitamin E, also known as a powerful antioxidant, can also help improve your body’s defence system, fighting off infection. You can visit your local drugstore for Antioxidant tablets, or even increase your consumption of fruits, such as berries, which are known to have high levels of antioxidants.

2) Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle
Despite the warnings of avoiding crowded places, you should still continue working out and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. When your body is healthy and fit, that is when you’re less likely to catch any diseases. In an event when it is not recommended to travel in public spaces, you can always incorporate simple exercises in the comforts of your own home. At The Ring, we have increased our precautionary measures, stepping up our cleaning and sanitising efforts in the gym.

3) Improving Your Diet With Fruits and Veggies
While it might be tempting to stock up on instant and canned food during this period, it is important to load your body with nutrients and minerals from natural food! Fresh vegetables like spinach and broccoli are packed with high levels of vitamins, and are healthy forms of anti-oxidants for your body! They are quick and simple to prepare, and are a great addition to any meal. Kiwis also contain high levels of vitamin c, which boosts the level of white blood cells in your body to fight of any infections.

4) Sleep Well
Sleep is often known as your body’s natural rejuvenation process. During a period where your body needs to work hard to build defences against the virus, a good night’s sleep can really benefit your body. Sleeping also reduces stress on your body, and research has shown that high levels of stress can impede your body’s immune functions.

During this period, it is important to be vigilant and look out for those around you. If you’re feeling unwell and showing symptoms of flu, cough or fever, visit a doctor and practice good hygiene. The Ring has also started taking temperatures of all who enter the gym. Let’s work together to fight the Coronavirus!

What to Expect When Going To Your 1st Boxing Trial Class in Singapore

Are you looking to learn boxing in Singapore? You are well on your way to learn a valuable skill while getting yourself into great shape. For many who work in the hustle-bustle of the city, fitness classes before or after work are a great outlet to let off steam. If you fall into this demographic, you may be interested to know that The Ring Boxing Community offers trial boxing classes right in the heart of Singapore’s Central Business District (CBD) as well as at their flagship over at Robertson Quay. If you have signed up for your first boxing trial class in Singapore and feel apprehensive, fear not! Here’s our guide to ease you through it.

Great Benefits of Boxing Classes

Even if you have no intention of entering the ring competitively, boxing classes can be a great way to lose weight, burn calories, tone your muscles and, most possibly for the busy crowd, let off steam and stresses from your hectic work life. Boxers are known to be some of the fittest athletes on the planet, as their training regime often pays attention to full-body conditioning. This is why boxing is a fantastic sport if you want a total workout.

If you have never attended a boxing class in Singapore before, it is understandable to be nervous. Get over the first hurdle, and we promise that you will enjoy it! To help you ease your nerves, let’s look at what you can expect on your first class.

What is Involved in a Boxing Class?

One common misconception many have is that boxing is a sport that only engages in your upper body. In truth, boxing is a full-body workout that utilises almost every muscle group. While the structure of boxing classes differs, you can expect a combination of high-intensity interval training exercises combined with boxing movements like uppercuts, hooks or jabs. It is not always about the punches, as you might be expected to undergo stamina training and even footwork drills.

As first-timer, you will definitely not be expected to spar with anyone, however, some classes incorporate simple partner practices during their training sessions. The coaches should guide you along, so you do not have to be intimidated.

First-timers at The Ring can expect to learn more about the fundamentals of boxing, with our coaches focusing on the basics of the sport.

What is the Duration, Size and Format of Boxing Classes?

The length of the classes varies from studio to studio, and can be from anything between 30 to 75 minutes. The format can also differ, with some studios focusing on HIIT with floor exercises such as mountain climbers, lunges and burpees, followed by rounds on the bags, while others focus solely on boxing training.

At The Ring, we strive to provide the authentic boxing experience, which is why our classes often focus more on techniques and the basics of boxing, as compared to simply using boxing moves as a form of workout. Expect to improve your coordination, speed, accuracy and power through our classes.

Again, when it comes to the size of classes, it can vary across studios, but you can expect anything between 10 to 30 participants per class.

What Should You Wear and Bring to Your Boxing Trial Class in Singapore?

Most studios and gyms will provide boxing wraps and gloves for first-timers, so you do not have to worry about getting the equipment. However, you should always check with the studio beforehand, as some might require you to purchase your own hand wraps. As with any workout, dress in comfortable athletic attire, along with some high-quality trainers. These are essential if you want to avoid any injuries. You might also want to consider bringing along your own towel and a bottle of water to keep you hydrated throughout your session.

At The Ring’s Cecil Street Outlet, we provide your boxing shirt and shorts, as well as a gym towel, so you do not have to pack your workout clothes to the office. We also have spacious shower facilities for you to transition seamlessly from the gym to your workplace.

Tips for that First Visit

For your first boxing trial class in Singapore, it might be a good idea to arrive as early as you can to familiarise yourself with the place as well as complete any paperwork required. Some places expect their members to arrive 20 minutes before the start of class, so that the coaches can get to know you and help assist you with any questions you might have. You can also take the opportunity to learn how to properly wrap your hands.

Do not stress yourself out during your first session by trying to perfect the different boxing movements. Just enjoy the workout and have fun! Follow the instructions and steps from the coaches, and we promise that you will have a smashing great workout at the end of it!

While it is human nature to feel apprehensive about your first trial class, remind yourself that there are others in the same shoes as you. Do not be afraid to be judged, because everyone starts from somewhere. Be proud that you decided to take the first step into the ring.

So, there really is nothing to worry about.

The Ring is all about creating a community for like-minded individuals with a common goal to work out and feel comfortable! Our classes are designed for all levels, aimed at teaching the foundation and technical skills of the noble art of boxing. Become part of our fantastic community and sign up for a free trial to experience the difference now!

Find Boxing Classes for Ladies in Singapore, Boxing Classes for Teens and much more at The Ring: Your Boxing Club in Singapore!

The Ring Fight Team: What Makes a Champion

As the saying goes, behind every success is a great team. The accomplishments of the champions we see in and out of the ring is a result of many individuals coming together for a common goal. Despite only turning 3 this year, the achievements of The Ring’s fight team have been nothing short of spectacular, and we find out more from some of them about what it takes to be a champion.

Coach Nasser with WBC World Youth Champion and Monaco athlete of the year Ali Chebah in 2009.


2018 and 2019 were milestones in the boxing careers of many from The Ring’s professional fight team, with Hamzah Farouk and Abdelelah Karroum bagging prominent titles. Their achievements are not only a culmination of their hard work, determination and grit, but also from their partnership and guidance from Coach Nasser Yefsah a.k.a “Chef”. The French national travels down to Singapore to train the team before their crucial fights, and is a veteran when it comes to boxing coaching. His career began when he coached the Algerian National Boxing team for the Sydney Olympic Games in 2002. Among them, Allalou Mohamed won the silver medal in the Super-Lightweight Category. Coach Nasser also worked with Professional boxer Ali Chebah, who managed to clinch the World Boxing Council World Youth Superlight Title.

“Combining my expertise from my past experiences, I hope to bring the team to greater heights! In preparation for the recent TRFC7, the team worked hard to strategise and execute our fight plan. It has been an exciting journey working with the Golden Glove Asia Promotions boxers,” comments Nasser.

A great coach is more than just a mentor, he should be one that inspires others with his passion, and we look forward to our team excelling and moving on to the international level in the coming years!

No dream too big to be achieved

It was always Hamzah Farouk’s dream to become a boxing champion. With his recent win at TRFC7, the thirty-one year old has added a second belt to his name, becoming the Oriental Pacific Boxing Federation Silver Champion of his weight class. The road to becoming a champion was not always smooth sailing, and while Hamzah was no stranger to fighting in the ring as an amateur, it took him a great amount of courage to step out of his corporate career to start boxing professionally.

Hamzah shares, “Self-discipline is everything. If you can conquer your physical and mental being, you can conquer anything in the world”.

Dare to take risks

Coming to a foreign country in pursuit of achieving your dream sounds like a crazy idea, but it was exactly the route Abdelelah Karroum chose to take, and it certainly paid off. The French native stepped into the sunny shores of Singapore for the first time in 2017, and has since gone on to succeed in the squared circle. A former member of the Monaco Amateur Boxing team, Abdelelah, better known as Abdou, went on to make his professional boxing debut at TRFC. He has since extended his professional fight record to an impressive 7 wins!

Abdou sticks to his mantra closely, believing that “If you want something badly enough, you will be willing to fight for it”.

The Ring Team, together with WBC Champions Hamzah Farouk and Abdelelah Karroum, who trained with Coach Nasser.

What makes a champion?

Below are some of the essential qualities shared by The Ring’s fight team on what makes a champion:

  • WILLPOWER to push through difficulties

  • The acknowledgement of the effort needed to ACHIEVE

  • The constant questioning and improving; “The detail makes the difference”

  • Lastly, a solid foundation which includes optimal body strength, physical and mental resistance.

Important to stay true to values

For those training hard and aiming at becoming future champions, it is important to always stay true to your values and never forget your humble beginnings. Be confident in your craft, and your hard work will be rewarded. Also, always show respect, to yourself, and also your opponent in the ring.

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